Monday, January 4, 2010


Hi friends,

          This is the time for sending so many greetings through Orkut scraps. There are so many websites offering Greetings for sending them through Orkut Scraps. The major problem here is,"captcha or word verification" while sending them.. so that the time is consumed for word verification & we have to sit for a long interval of time to post greetings for our friends. Now i found a simple trick to reduce this.. The steps are given below,

  • Copy and paste the HTML code for the greeting in a notepad(or in a wordpad)
  • And then remove all the anchor tags from the code, as shown in the following example
  • You should remove something like <a href="">: Click Here For Orkut Tricks</a>  so that it will be captcha-free
  • If the HTML code is like this (given below) 

<p><center><EMBED width="500" src="" quality=high width="530" height="345" bgcolor="" menu=false wmode=Transparent type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed></center></p>
  <a href="">: Click Here To Forward This Greetings To Your Friends</a><br />
<a href="">: Click Here For Orkut Tricks</a><br />
  • We should not paste the same code while scrapping, the above code must be like below to be captcha free.

 <p><center><EMBED width="500" src="" quality=high width="530" height="345" bgcolor="" menu=false wmode=Transparent type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""></embed></center></p> 

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