QoS Questions
1. Shaper vs Policer
2. Usecase SrTCM vs TrTCM
3. Algorithmic explanation of SrTCM vs TrTCM
4. How WRED works ?
5. Color aware WRED and Precedence management ?
6. DWRR vs WRR ?
7. How to load share among queues using Weights and different QoS Algorithms ?
8. Why do you need "trust COS" port-level configuration? is it going to prevent all the attacks ?
ASIC and Network Questions:
1. broadcom XGS pipeline
2. How L2 gets forwarded.
3. On Ethernet header what decides the next protocol ? If ethertype is used for something else too, what is it for ?
4. Can you draw a frame and it's fields and their significants for: Ethernet+double-tag VLAN + IPv4 header
Operating Systems:
1. Mutex Vs Semaphore
2. IPC mechanisms : Signal Handling Basics, Socket Programming (NETLINK vs RAW SOCKET),
3.Thread safe programming
4. Memory Layout of Process vs Thread.
Design Questions:
1. What Datastructure will you use for MAC table and IP routing table ? explain in detail about your decisions.
2. How do you breakdown a problem: say for example if the current scenario of Covid-19 lockdown needs to be relaxed slowly over the weeks. how do you do it ?
3. What is the difficult problem that you have faced recently and how did you solve it and talk about it .
C Programs:
1. Endianness of the system
2. HTONS and NTOHS function
3. Height of a Binary tree
4. Reverse a linked list
Few Must DOs:
1. Watch this even if you know everything in basic Networking : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8hvAJ8ypAInbY-qmtZ9RG0d7IpAkS7Dy
2. How does traceroute work https://networklessons.com/cisco/ccna-routing-switching-icnd1-100-105/traceroute